HIS 295: Shakespeare's England in London
Dr. Hayes' program at Northern Virginia Community College
Dr. Hayes' course examines the history of Shakespeare's England, and we helped her explore this era with her students in London. We worked with her to find ways for her students to conduct their own walking tours based on course texts, and even found lecture space in the University College London for her to teach. Download her complete Course Itinerary to discover how she balanced both lectures and hands-on experiences with her students while in London.

– Lecture on the Wars of the Roses and the rise of the Tudors
– Lecture on Medieval England vs. early Modern England
– Day 2-3: Lecture with local professor at University College London and tour of the British Library
– Day 5-6: Mapping Shakespeare's London: Blackfriars District and Southwark walking lecture
– Day 7: FSU London Study Center: Lecture on Greco-Roman Revival in Renaissance England with Dr. Hayes and Professor Rice
– College-wide trip presentation: research projects, travel journals and portfolios due
– Identify the countries, cities, landmasses, and bodies of water we will be visiting while abroad
– Identify major historical figures from the Elizabethan era and connect them to their respective countries, time periods, and historical events
– Investigate and describe how the relationship between people, religion, and culture shaped Elizabethan England and the world of Shakespeare
– Internalize and apply cultural understandings and knowledge shared through student travel blogs/journals, essay reflections, and presentations
– Utilize local resources (museums, archives, and historical sites) and meet with local experts for historical research projects

Dr. Rebecca Hayes teamed up with her colleague Professor Stacy Rice, Professor of History and Honors Coordinator at Northern Virginia Community College, to create this program. The information included in this course itinerary is an excerpt from the comprehensive syllabus they built together.