At EF Study Abroad, we understand that the higher education landscape is full of opportunities—and obstacles—for colleges and universities. That’s why we partner with institutions to create first-year abroad experiences that offer unique learning experiences for students while alleviating three major challenges:
Open new pathways to your institution
Here’s how EF Foundation Programs address these challenges:
Attract ambitious learners
The demand for nontraditional college entry points among students is apparent—and growing. Recently, this was evident in our partnership with the University of Texas at Austin. We worked with their admissions office to co-create a first-year experience in Seoul, South Korea. Over 16,000 students expressed interest in the program, and it quickly hit capacity. As a truly unique opportunity, EF Foundation programs help set institutions apart and draw in eager, desirable applicants.
Retain high-achieving students
From independence to critical thinking, the growth achieved while studying abroad ensures students arrive on your campus ready to learn and lead with confidence. These motivated students infuse campus with global perspectives and fill high-performing graduating classes. On average*, compared to their peers who did not study abroad, study abroad participants graduate with:
Higher GPAs
Faster completion of degrees
More credit hours earned
*Source: Bhatt, R., Bell, A., Rubin, D.L. et al. “Education Abroad and College Completion.” Res High Educ 63, 987–1014 (2022).
“Kate is a triple major and a double minor in college. She is just that kid—she loves to learn. Her professors notice a huge difference between the students they are used to teaching as freshmen and those who have had the experience that Kate had.”
Parent of Kate V.
an EF first-year abroad student
Optimize enrollment patterns
Even the world’s best colleges and universities experience attrition. When retention rates dip below 100%, it can result in unused housing, under-enrollment, and unexpected losses in tuition revenue. Our first-year abroad programs allow institutions to strategically over-enroll incoming classes, sending a percentage of their first-year students abroad for the fall semester while helping admissions teams mitigate melt challenges and better optimize enrollment.
How it works for your institution
These semester-long programs give students the opportunity to live in dynamic global cities while honing future-ready skills through curated coursework and guided immersion. Tailored to the unique needs of first-year students, each EF Foundation Program is built upon three key pillars: